Next Generation of Mobile Video Considered
The next generation of mobile car audio with video will be totally incredible and it will soon be here as we are starting to see some of this now. The big boys are on the move and Intel is designing a new chip, which should make all this possible and that means UWB as you drive in your SUV.
UWB stands for Ultra Wide Band wireless technologies and you can imagine the crispness of the images and the speed of the video for future mobile video uses such as video car systems. We are talking about high speed data transfer for the consumer and that means intense images and video along with audio.
Just when you think you could skip the next SEMA show and that you thought you knew it all, look out now, as here comes UWB ready to revolutionize the way we live, work and drive.
The best thing about this is you can have a wireless car with all the video streaming from satellite and then WiFi’ing it throughout the car. Forget tearing up seats and floorboards or buying special head rests, not any more, wireless pure and simple. Can you say load em’ up and see ya!
UWB or Ultra Wide Band wireless technologies are just a stone throw away from reality in the market place and you can bet that even Best Buy will have mobile video and audio UWB system link ups available for you to take on the road, anywhere, anytime and any place.
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