In-car Video -- Should You, Should You Not?
If you consider how many hours the average commuter spends daily, you'll agree with me that in car entertainment is a necessity.
However, due to several safety precautions, car audio seems to be the preferred choice of in-car entertainment -- And rightly so. Some may argue that incar video, when installed correctly and within the rules, poses no traffic hazard. However, I beg to disagree...
For those of us who have reasons to be on wheels for any prolonged length of time, you'll agree that the alertness of your partner helps keep you more alert. Yes, the extent to which this affects drivers depends a lot on their makeup.
For those who are thus affected, having all the passengers engrossed in a movie -- yes, in the rear seat -- isn't really going to help matters. And if such a driver decides to plug in a headphone and listen to engaging audio, we all know that is not safety first -- That's where it's not illegal in your country.
I am forever an advocate of movies only when there's a standstill or when the car is chaffeur-driven or by some professional driver who has been well-trained to handle sudden screams and outbursts.
We nearly had an accident once when a young lady once screamed suddenly in excitement. Thank God, the driver was experienced -- He was able to manage the situation although he was visibly rattled (Who wouldn't be!)
Well, the law allows a lot of things that are not in your best interest. You know yourself a lot better than I do. So, choose what's best for you even if something less safe for you is allowed by the law.
And, if you must have video in the rear seat, it will be a good idea to pre-screen it and make sure it won't cause sudden screams that will derail you, the driver.